Join us at Debevino Winery for a night of comedy with our third rib-tickling show, Friday, October 29, featuring Danny Kelly and Maya Manion. Two great comedians together in one great show!
Danny Kelly has been doing comedy since 1995, and when living in LA he was a regular at the Comedy Store. He now frequently appears at Carolines in New York. Strutting the stage wearing a black Kangol, and a pair of Nike Cortez, Danny is known to his fans as the “King of the 80’s.” He has opened for Andrew “Dice” Clay, Howie Mandel, Jim Norton, Craig Gas and Greg Fitzsimmons. Comedy Central, TNT, TBS Cantankerous podcast.
Maya Manion: Nick at Night's Funniest Mom in America
A $20 cover charge gets you entry, and of course, access to our hand crafted premium quality wines and assorted snack items.